Most amazing awful Movies!
I am a major enjoyer of bad movies, and I dont mean Sharknado bad, I mean movies in which the actors are recycled, movies with concepts that are so over the top or random, one can only guess what substances where used during the creation of these movies. I like to watch those type of movies with friends over some drinks :) Here are my recommendations for movies that are so bad in what they attempt to do, they become something new and very much entertaining! Here is my list of best worst movies to watch non-sober!
1. Labyrinth

Amazing thrifting find. Featuring David Bowie as the goblin king as well as his music. All characters but the main character & the goblin king consist of incredibly well created puppets created in such a pretty Alice in Wornderland like style. All special effects except 1 obvious scene consists of non-digital special effects (yes I also watched the complete making-of, its so good!). The artists and creators of the special effects and puppets were given such a high level of freedom that the end product is nothing less than eye-candy
2. The Dark Crystal

Found on Netflix but now also in physical copy thanks to thrifting. The movie consists of several character stories tying together into one large main storyline taking place in an amazingly detailed fantasy world. This movie also is created using puppets, in fact, it does not contain any real actors.
3. The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

Picked this one up while thrifting, really an incredible movie. This movie features some great and famous actors, like Heath Ledger, Johnny Depp, Andrew Garfield and Verne Troyer. I will not elaborate on the actual plot, but it includes ancient monk lore, satan, terrible street theater. Every single character is whacky and zany in its own way, watch this one!
4. Tenacious D and the pick of Destiny

A movie that comes near the concept of a Rock Opera. Featuring some of the best songs of Tenacious D, Many famous musicians (Dio, Dave Grohl, Meat loaf), a funny storyline and really good comedy (although outdated). Must have seen this one over 10 times throughout the years.

Very high quality claymation movie. Absolutely unhinged and horrific, but that was clearly the goal. I cannot comment on the storyline, as I am still trying to wrap my head around it.
6. Swamp zombies

In my collection for a long time now, purchased at a thrift store (have to love DVD thrifting), this movie tells a story of a high school class going on a field trip in a town where dark experiments with the dead are taking place resulting in a zombie attack. The actors playing the high school kids are all significantly older than the characters they portray as well as at some point they started recycling actos, meaning one actor would play multiple characters but with a different outfit. However this was extremely confusing as the costumes were not always different enough to tell what character was being portrayed. Has unnecessary nudity, cheesy dialogue, the director portrays himself as the kung fu park ranger coming to save the day, and is overall a really funny movie to watch together with friends over some drinks. Also, 2 more things, I absolutely love the music choices for this movie, really good metal and it is also extremely impressive how much nudity is in the movie for having a budget of only 12000$!
7. Black Dynamite

Very funny action comedy that was shot in only 20 days. The comedy of this movie really shines and the storyline will take you in directions you cannot predict (and also you cannot take very seriously)
8. Hobo with a shotgun

A movie not for the faint-hearted. To me it seems the entire budget of this movie was used on special effects, more specifically on the gore. This is an extremely over the top action movie about a homeless man who travels to a crime ridden city, and decides to cleanse the city. If you like movies like Saw or body horror this one is a recommendation.
9. Leprechaun

Recently acquired at a garage sale, this movie was absolutely hillarious, even after finishing watching the entire movie, I could still not pinpoint if this movie was intended as a comedy or as a horror movie. On one hand the leprechaun definetly kills and maims its enemies, on the other hand it had the green hat, buckled shoes and whacky catchphrases "I want me pot o' gold!". Also this is one of the first movies that Jennifer Anniston plays a character in.
10. Blood Gnome

Recently acquired at a garage sale, this movie was downright uncomfortable to watch with friends. The main premise of the movie is as follows: A police photographer is investigating a string of murders that occured within the BDSM community. The murders are ofcourse committed by the Blood Gnomes. As the movie progresses the topic shifts more and more to softcore BDSM scenes, which is uncomfortable as I always watch these types of movies with friends XD.
11. Shaolin soccer

-Currently on netflix- Asbolutely a hilarious bad movie. Halfway through I still had no clue which direction the movie would go in, absolutely recommend.