Welcome! This is my list of projects I started but never finished :).

Bigfoot hunting/horror game/ Cryptoid waveshooter

A VR boomer shooter in which you have to survive waves of cryptoid enemies, with a PS1 style graphics

Really taking a break from this one as I am not sure which direction to go with this project, my previous idea was about hunting bigfoot but lets be honest who would shoot bigfoot on sight? Also 3D modelling takes a long time!

bigfoot screenshot

Bigfoot hunting/horror game/ Cryptoid waveshooter

A VR boomer shooter in which you have to survive waves of cryptoid enemies, with a PS1 style graphics

Really taking a break from this one as I am not sure which direction to go with this project, my previous idea was about hunting bigfoot but lets be honest who would shoot bigfoot on sight? Also 3D modelling takes a long time!

bigfoot screenshot


TV shows
